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Sharleen Workman

Cassinette Xtreme: Titled 'Children's Tour Champion'

Tamworth World Cup show was a huge success for Cassinette and her young rider Kirra, coming home as the Children's Champion!

A successful combination forming with Cassinette Xtreme!

The combination has only been formed for 2 months, after Kirra purchased Cassinette Xtreme from New Zealand and took her back to Australia, but this combination has already proven that they are ones to watch for the future!

Prada jumped faultless over the 3 days of the Tamworth World Cup show, placing 2nd in her first round, 1st in th second round and was the only horse to jump double clear in the final. The impeccable performance over the 3 days lead to Cassinette Xtreme and Kirra being awarded the winners of the Children's Tour.

What an incredibly exciting combination, who have proven they are a competitive combination at their first show together! We can't wait to see what the future holds for Cassinette Xtreme and her young rider Kirra.

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